@extends('layouts.admin.app') @section('content')

reference: {{$order->reference}}

Order Information

@if($order['total_paid'] != $order['total']) @endif
Data Cliente Pagamento Status
{{ date('M d, Y h:i a', strtotime($order['created_at'])) }} {{ $customer->name }} {{ $order['payment'] }}
{{ csrf_field() }}
Subtotal {{ config('cart.currency_symbol') }} {{ $order['total_products'] }}
Frete {{ config('cart.currency_symbol') }} {{ $order['total_shipping'] }}
Imposto {{ config('cart.currency_symbol') }} {{ $order['tax'] }}
Desconto {{ config('cart.currency_symbol') }} {{ $order['discounts'] }}
Valor total do pedido {{ config('cart.currency_symbol') }} {{ $order['total'] }}
Total pago {{ config('cart.currency_symbol') }} {{ $order['total_paid'] }}
@if($order) @if($order->total != $order->total_paid)

Ooops, there is discrepancy in the total amount of the order and the amount paid.
Total order amount: {{ config('cart.currency') }} {{ $order->total }}
Total amount paid {{ config('cart.currency') }} {{ $order->total_paid }}



@foreach($items as $item) @endforeach
SKU Name Description Quantity Price
{{ $item->sku }} {{ $item->name }} {!! $item->description !!} {{ $item->pivot->quantity }} {{ $item->price }}


Name Description Link
{{ $order->courier->name }} {!! $order->courier->description !!} {{ $order->courier->url }}


Address 1 Address 2 City Province Zip
{{ $order->address->address_1 }} {{ $order->address->address_2 }} @if(isset($order->address->city)) {{ $order->address->city }} @endif @if(isset($order->address->province)) {{ $order->address->province }} @endif {{ $order->address->zip }}
@endsection @section('js') @endsection